Have a special occasion such as a birthday party, a work event or wedding on your schedule? Wondering how to plan or where to even start? This is where an event planner may be the answer to many questions.

First of all, hiring an event planner can make you feel less stressed about your party, giving you the ability to feel more excited about the planning process instead of stressing over finite details.

Planning your own party can be like having another job!  At the very least, party details can really cut into your workday.

Event planners have the expertise and the capability to prepare a great event because they know the do’s, don’ts and many hacks to make your event  run efficiently and smoothly.

Most people planning a party want to stay on a planned budget. Your event planner can work to make sure the expenses balance out and keep your budget in line while helping include those 'must haves' without breaking the bottom line.

Very often, we see party hosts forget to eat and enjoy themselves worrying about their guests' enjoyment and other party details. Well, your event planner is worth his/her weight in gold because they LOVE details!  

Before handing over the reigns to your planner, ask these two very important questions about how they work.  1. Do you charge a percentage or a flat fee of the event? 2. Will you have someone attend the event to coordinate at the venue and if so, how much extra will it cost?  These questions will help you decide the best choice for you.

Some venues, like The Fairfield Manor’s Velvet Lounge in Fairfield, NJ will include event-planning services as part of your event package at no extra charge-so check before you book your venue.


Fairfield Manor’s Velvet Lounge is a full service banquet venue in Fairfield, NJ.  Known for helping hosts plan affordable events for over 25 years, the venue is available 7 days per week for events and Saturday and Sundays (except holidays) from 2-4 for planning. Ask about "bring your own buffet" options! ore information about hosting events is at: www.partyeventrental.com or by calling: 973-882-3422.

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